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Gambling History: How Far Back Do Gambling Games Go? Possibly With the Egyptian Pharaohs

It's unclear exactly when people began gambling, but evidence suggests that ancient Egyptians were playing games involving pairs of dice over 4,000 years ago. Similar games were also played in ancient China, where Poker may have originated. Native Americans were also observed betting on a game resembling LaCross during Columbus' landing in 1492.

Early America

In early America, gambling was introduced by English settlers in the 1600s who brought with them card games popular among the aristocracy. However, when Puritans established themselves in Massachusetts Bay, they disapproved of gambling and outlawed games involving dice, cards, and gambling tables in their communities. Despite this, gambling continued to be a popular form of entertainment in other localities.


The Revolution

During the colonial era, the colony of Virginia recognized that lotteries could be used to raise capital for local governments. Eventually, all 13 colonies utilized lotteries to generate revenue, with proceeds going towards building universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, as well as funding churches and libraries. Prominent figures such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and John Hancock were advocates for specific lotteries that supported public works projects. During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress even authorized a $10 million lottery to finance the war effort 먹튀폴리스.

Westward Ho

During the early 1800s, taverns and roadhouses in America allowed gambling through dice and card games, leading to the creation of the first version of casinos. As the population increased, casinos became more extravagant, especially along the Mississippi River, a major trade route where merchants and entrepreneurs brought their cash. Riverboat gambling became a popular pastime, and New Orleans became the gambling capital of America.

Gambling followed pioneers to California during the gold rush in 1849, leading to the establishment of many gambling establishments in the west of the Mississippi, including Nevada. Roulette was adopted from France in the late 1800s, and the slot machine was invented.


However, gambling was seen as a social ill by much of the public, linked to alcoholism and prostitution, leading to the closure of many dens of iniquity, and discontinuation of lotteries by most states. Riverboat gambling dried up with the advent of the railroad, leaving only Nevada as the sole state allowing gambling by the end of the century.

20th Century

In 1910, even Nevada shut the door on gambling, leaving only horse race wagering as the only legal form of gambling in America. During the prohibition era of the 1920s, gambling went underground along with speakeasies. Nevada finally legalized gambling again in 1931, and organized crime invested heavily, controlling off-track betting and the numbers lottery.

In the 1950s, the U.S. Senate investigated organized crime's link to illegal gambling, leading to the mob departing Las Vegas. States countered bookies by legalizing off-track betting and numbers games, while Atlantic City approved gambling in 1976. Congress approved the Indian Gaming Act in the late 1980s, and dockside riverboat gambling made a comeback. Racetracks installed slot machines while Las Vegas reinvented itself by building mega-resorts during the 1990s.

Century 21

The American Gaming Association reported that there are now 832,988 slot machines spread across 1,151 casinos and racetracks across 44 states, with more on the way. It seems that gambling has become an entrenched part of American culture in the 21st century.

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